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Parent Testimonials

The REACH program, which was originally started in 2003 by Chris Kragenbring under the name On-Track, changed its name to REACH in 2013: Relationships, Education, Accountability, Character and Hard Work. Since its inception, the program has helped more than 750 students. The testimonials below are from parents of students who went through the program.

Every school day, my son wakes up with anxiety about going to school. It would often greatly escalate throughout the day if he didn't have the safety in knowing the REACH teachers are there to support him at any given moment.

Parent of a Student in the REACH Program

He walks into the high school overwhelmed daily. This anxiety and overwhelm deeply affects his ability to focus on school work and the tasks at hand. He has voiced this to many of the staff in ways which only show the side of him filled with anger and fear from emotional triggers and pain deeply rooted in him. He does not let many people into his world and is very private trying to smile to cover up his pain. He says often ”I just want to give up with school. What is the point?”

With REACH behind, him he does not give up. He is a fighter! He is learning how to express his feelings in a healthier way, although it is still a rough path. The guidance he receives and safety he feels in opening up in REACH is helping him to begin to understand that he is not alone.

I cannot thank the REACH staff enough for being there for him. I just want to say thank you for not giving up on him.

When my son started the REACH program, his self-confidence didn’t exist. He was failing quite a few classes and didn’t have many friends.

Parent of a Student in the REACH Program

That all changed over time due to teachers who gave him the confidence and lit a fire under him to do his school work.

They encouraged him to look forward to the future. He found a desire to graduate and go to college. REACH gave him the tools to accomplish his goals. He has now graduated from college, is working full time as a police officer and thriving as an adult.

The teachers, program and peers in REACH are a huge part of his success. We are thankful every day he has become the man we knew was inside. REACH helped him find himself. 

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Applications for the 2024-25 academic year begin January 2024.

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Applications for the 2024-25 academic year begin January 2024.